IUI (Intra Uterine Insemination)
IUI is one of the simple and basic artificial reproductive techniques used in the treatment of subfertility where the semen of the male partner is collected by masturbation and processed in the laboratory. The seminal plasma is discarded and the best quality sperms are harvested and kept in special culture media. The prepared sample of sperms is then deposited into the uterine cavity with the aid of a thin catheter.
IUI in a Natural cycle – This is a type of procedure where no ovulation induction drugs are used for follicular (egg) development but instead IUI is done in a natural cycle where the woman develops a dominant follicle (egg) spontaneously by herself.
For who? –women with regular ovulatory cycles but with low semen counts, poor sperm motility and or morphology or sexual dysfunction.
IUI Procedure
STEP 1– once the woman develops a mature follicle as seen on a scan with adequate endometrial thickness of the uterus, a trigger injection (usually HCG) is given and IUI is scheduled approximately around 36 hours after the trigger injection.
STEP 2. The semen sample is collected by masturbation after a minimum of 2-3 days abstinence .The semen sample is processed in andrology lab either by double density method or swim-up method and a final pellet of 0.4 to 0.5 ml is prepared.
STEP 3. After placing the female partner in lithotomy position , the processed semen sample is placed inside the uterus with the help of a sterile catheter under ultrasound guidance.
STEP 4. The couple is asked to have intercourse for a day or 2 after the procedure. Progesterone medication is prescribed to the woman to support the luteal phase and the woman is asked to do a home pregnancy test 15 days after the procedure.
Success rate in IUI – IUI carries a success rate of 15-20 % per cycle under favorable conditions.
IUI – D (donor)
IUI – D (donor) – is an ART (artificial reproductive technique) procedure where in the sperm of an anonymous donor is used for IUI .
For who? –male partner with no sperm count (azoospermia) or very poor sperm parameters which is not treatable or does not respond to medication or surgery.
Frozen Donor sperm samples are obtained only from recognized sperm banks across India. Cultural and physical characteristics of the couple are matched with those of the sperm donor before the procedure and the ICMR guidelines are followed strictly.
Other Treatments
IVF/ICSI With Donor Sperm
ICSI with donor sperm involves the fertilization of the extracted eggs (from the Patient )...
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