Tests for Ovulation

Tests for Ovulation

  • The tests for ovulation are done to determine the time of ovulation and the most fertile period of a menstrual cycle in order to maximize the chances of achieving pregnancy.
  • Ultrasound scan – the development and growth of one or more follicles ( which contains the egg ) can be done through serial ultrasound scans beginning from the 2nd – 3rd day of the cycle or a little later till an evidence of ovulation is seen and the couple is advised to have timed intercourse or planned for IUI as per the needs of a patient.
  • Serum LH test – LH ( luteinizing hormone ) is Ordinarily, secreted at very low levels throughout your menstrual cycle. But once a developing follicle reaches a certain size — usually around the midpoint of your cycle — LH secretion surges to really high levels. This hormone surge is what triggers ovulation about 24 to 36 hours later.
  • Ovulation occurs 24–56 h after the onset of the spontaneous LH rise, with an average of 32 hrs
  • A blood test can detect the rising levels of LH HORMONE .the testing can be done once the follicle reaches a mature size which can be detected by a scan.




This test allows the woman to know if her ovulation process has started by TESTING HER URINE with help of an LH TEST STRIP . detecting a color change on the LH STRIP INDICATES The LH SURGE ( RISE) .

-the DETECTION LEVEL of the these kits is 20-25 MIU which is near to peak surge

-TESTING is advised Daily from day 10 in a 28 day cycle till one see’s a color change on the strip . If it’s a 30 or 32 day cycle , testing starts from 2-4 days later.

The advantages and disadvantages of home LH testing


Ease of home testing, Low cost and Non-invasive .


(chronic serum concentrations near these levels; for these

False-negative results  may occur in up to 23% to 35% of ovulatory cycles

False positive results PCOS and premenopausal patients patients- LH levels drops below 20 miu a day before rising

False-negative results – may occur in up to 23 to 35% of ovulatory cycles

False positive results – PCOS and premenopausal patients. (chronic serum concentrations are usually near the detection levels in them.for these

patients- LH levels drops below 20 miu a day before rising.)

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